Money and Finance

Crash, Bang!

One of our cars was totaled last week. Let me quickly add that no one was hurt. Helen got rear-ended while stopped in traffic, and was pushed into the car in front of her, which happened to be a tow truck. If you’re going to have a car crash, that’s the way to do it. […]

How Much More Does It Cost to Be a Same-Sex Couple?

The New York Times has just published a major new piece on the costs of being a same-sex couple. Their conclusion? Lifetime added costs range from $28,595 to $211,993. Authors Tara Siegel Bernard and Ron Lieber did extensive financial modeling and analysis, based on a hypothetical same-sex couple whom they chose to be similar to

Let’s Hear It For Camp Winnebucca!

Kids go to day camp this summer? You might be able to claim the cost as a dependent care expense. My spouse Helen explains how in her latest post for Queercents, and even mentions a possible extra savings because the federal government does not yet recognize marriages of same-sex couples. (Yes, marriage inequality screws us

Moneygami Marvels

My spouse Helen recently stumbled across the fascinating world of moneygami, origami using paper money. Some of the more clever designs even highlight the portrait of the person on the bill. It seems to be one of those niche hobbies that the Internet facilitates, although I am sure it far predates the Web. Helen has

Wednesday Open Thread

What’s on your minds today, readers? Keeping the kids amused during the summer? The weather? Back-to-school preparation? (Please, not yet.) President Obama’s cupcakes? Leave a comment!

No Aversion to Conversion

My spouse Helen, whom I’ve lured into blogging, has just posted about the opportunity for lesbian and gay stay-at-home parents to convert a traditional IRA to a Roth. Because Uncle Sam still doesn’t recognize a partner’s income when we file our federal taxes, most of us lesbian SAHM’s (and gay SAHD’s) end up in a

Money from My Honey

This morning’s post is a shameless plug for a couple of posts by my spouse, who writes about finance at her own blog and at Queercents. In Creative Personal Economic Stimulus: Boston’s Bounty Bucks, she discusses a nice idea for vouchers that turn $10 of regular food stamps into $20 to spend at the local

Getting Married? Consider This Proposal

It should be a happy time for LGBT folks in New Hampshire, with a marriage equality victory making the springtime a little brighter. For the LGBTQ youth organization Seacoast Outright, however, things are looking bleak. The organization, which provides educational, social service and advocacy for gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans, and questioning youth in the greater

My Best Investment Ever

(In honor of Mother’s Day, here’s a guest post from my spouse Helen, who writes about matters financial at Queercents. It’s a slightly different angle on our family story.)

Diversity of a Financial Sort

If you know even a few things about good investing, you’ll know that diversification is one of the fundamental keys to long-term success. This week over at Queercents (and on her own blog), Helen compares two popular ways of diversifying one’s investments, through index funds and exchange-traded funds (ETF’s). That may send some of you

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