
Wearing purple for Spirit Day

Showing Our Spirit

I’m wearing my best purple flannel and hoodie today in honor of Spirit Day, GLAAD’s annual event to speak out against anti-LGBTQ bullying and stand with LGBTQ youth. Bullying can come from peers, teachers, coaches, or even, awfully, parents—but the virulent anti-LGBTQ legislation, book bans, and curriculum restrictions around the country are also a form of bullying. That means this Spirit Day is more important than ever.

GLSEN National School Climate Survey 2021

Schools Remain Hostile for LGBTQ Students, New Study Shows

GLSEN’s latest biennial National School Climate Survey (NSCS), released today, has found few positive changes for LGBTQ students in the past two years, with 82 percent of LGBTQ students feeling unsafe at school, and almost all hearing anti-LGBTQ remarks, many from teachers and staff. What can we do about this?

Something Great - Jeanette Bradley

STEM Learning and a Nonbinary Protagonist Create “Something Great”

Something Great … is simply great! A nonbinary child stars in this story of STEM thinking, creativity, and friendship that refreshingly is not “about” their queer identity. Author/illustrator Jeanette Bradley was kind enough to share a little about her inspiration and influences.

Shelbit Day and Nikhil Vashee of Family Equality

What LGBTQ Families Should Know for Back-to-School Time

As school-related anti-LGBTQ legislation and policies continue to rise, what should LGBTQ parents know about recent moves and how to protect their families? Two experts from Family Equality shared their thoughts with me.

LGBTQ Back-to-School Resources 2022

LGBTQ Back-to-School Resources: 2022 Edition

It’s that time of year again, so here’s my updated annual collection of back-to-school resources on creating welcoming school environments, communicating effectively with your children’s teachers, countering bullying, developing inclusive curricula, supporting LGBTQ youth in sports, finding LGBTQ-inclusive books (including free ones for schools), tracking relevant legislation, and much more.


College Application Tips for LGBTQ Families

Ah, spring! Time of flowers, birdsong, and, for many of us parents and our children, college visits. My own son went through the college admissions process a couple of years ago. While I am in no way an expert on the topic, I thought I’d share a few things we found helpful.

Kids’ Books on Gender and Inclusion for Back-to-School

After a year when time has seemed strangely warped, it’s hard to believe it’s back-to-school season already, but it is. To help get the school year off to an inclusive start, here are some great new picture books about gender identity. Check them out for home or school use!

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