
World AIDS Day

Today is World AIDS Day. AIDS has impacted many people we know and communities of which we are part. Since this is a parenting blog, however, I thought I would highlight some recent statistics about AIDS and children. The numbers, of course, don’t capture the personal stories, the parents who must watch their children die, […]

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy early Thanksgiving to all of you celebrating it tomorrow. Posting will be light for the rest of the week as I plan to spend it in a tryptophan-induced haze. If you want to get a jump on your holiday shopping, and like me, try to avoid anything within a five-mile radius of a mall

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 50

Helen and I celebrate our 50th vlog this week with a big thank you to viewers. In a seasonal vein, we offer some tips on juggling kids and turkeys to make Thanksgiving go more smoothly, and Helen shares her favorite Thanksgiving craft. We then respond to a timely viewer question about whether to bring children

What’s Cooking?

Iron Chef and lesbian mom Cat Cora, in an interview with the Food Gal, has spoken out against Prop 8. She also mentions that she and her partner Jen Cora are expecting their third child in April. Congratulations! (Thanks, After Ellen.) This is as good an excuse as any to move from politics to domestic

Happy Veterans Day

I’m married to a veteran. Several of my friends and relatives are veterans. Some have served in Iraq and Afghanistan, and may yet be redeployed. Thank you to all the veterans for everything they have done to serve our country. Because this is a parenting blog, a special thank you to all the parents serving

Halloween Poll

It’s been a while since I’ve posted a poll, so as a change from politics: [Update: I had a nice little poll up, but my polling plugin seems to have taken the day off. I’ve put in the question and answers below, though, so feel free to share your choice in the comments.] As regards

Coming Out, Staying In

I’ve written and vlogged already this week in honor of today’s National Coming Out Day. (Maybe it’s my Jewish heritage that makes me want to extend fun holidays across an entire week.) I think it’s clear that I generally think visibility is a good thing. In all the hoopla today over the benefits of coming

Visibility and Parenthood

I have a piece up at in honor of National Coming Out Day this Saturday. It’s titled “Heterosexual Assumptions,” but also discusses the many complexities of being out as an LGBT parent. I can’t crosspost it yet, but you can pop over there to have a read (and catch up on the news while

When Every Day Is Talk Like a Pirate Day

Today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. I feel obliged to mark the occasion, even though those of us with young children (particularly, though not exclusively, boys) can find any day suddenly turned into Talk Like a Pirate Day, with foam swords swinging and old sheets pressed into service as sails hanging from the

Happy Grandparents’ Day!

It’s Grandparents’ Day today in the U.S., a lesser-known holiday than its non-grand counterparts, but a reason to celebrate nonetheless. Here’s to our own son’s grandparents, who have been a supportive and happy influence on his life and ours. Parenting is largely about on-the-job training, and it’s nice to know there are trustworthy people we

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