
Conservative Rabbis Permit Same-Sex Unions, Gay Ordinations

The governing committee of Conservative Judaism has ruled to permit same-sex commitment ceremonies and the ordination of gay and lesbian rabbis. They did not, however, go so far as to approve same-sex marriage. Although the committee’s decision was not unanimous, enough members approved to make it valid, “meaning that it is a well-founded interpretation of […]

Hurrican Katrina Remembrance: LGBT Perspectives

Today is the National Day of Remembrance of Hurricane Katrina. Despite an outpouring of public support last year (in the face of what most agree were monumental government snafus), many Gulf Coast residents are still struggling to rebuild their lives. For stories of how LGBT residents of New Orleans are doing so, take a look

Weekly Political Roundup

San Francisco Catholic Charities (SFCC) has followed an earlier move by Boston Catholic Charities and shut down their adoption services, so they don’t have to place children with lesbian and gay couples. Unlike their East Coast counterparts, however, they will partner with another agency, California Kids Connection, to which they will refer prospective adoptive parents,

Presbyterians Allow Local Churches to Decide on LGBT Clergy

Following the Episcopalians’ decision to permit LGBT bishops, the Presbyterian Church U. S. A. approved a measure allowing local churches to decide on the fitness of an individual to be ordained or serve as a lay official, even if the issue of sexual orientation arises. The measure does not, however, revoke a church law that

Episcopalians Reject Ban on LGBT Bishops

Clergy and lay delegates in the Episcopalian House of Deputies today rejected a proposed ban on LGBT bishops that was being urged by other churches in the worldwide Anglican Communion. This will likely kill the measure, at least for this year’s General Convention. The Episcopalians’ newly elected Presiding Bishop, Katharine Jefferts Schori, said yesterday she

Churches Debate Issues of Sexuality and Gender

Lots of LGBT-related church news right now. The U. S. Episcopal Church last week chose its first female leader, Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori. The move strains both the Church’s internal divisions and its relations with other members of the worldwide Anglican Communion. Most other countries’ Anglican churches do not permit women to become bishops. Many conservative

LGBT Rights: The Religious Perspective

One of the contributors to Blogging for LGBT Families Day just wrote a great article for the Syracuse Post-Standard, on finding God’s love and community as a lesbian family. I’m not particularly religious myself, but it makes me sick when the ultra-conservatives try to frame LGBT rights as a matter of the religious vs. the

Same-Sex Marriage Ban Restricts Religious Liberty, Some Argue

Here’s an insightful argument against a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage: not only would it restrict our civil rights, it would also “infringe on religious liberty.” This is the stance of Clergy for Fairness, an interfaith group of clergy opposing the amendment. Reform Rabbi Craig Axler, a member of the group, explains: The backers behind

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