Violence and Tragedy

Transgender Day of Remembrance

In Memoriam: Transgender Day of Remembrance 2024

Today marks the 25th Transgender Day of Remembrance, when we honor the lives of those who died because of anti-transgender hatred or prejudice, and ensure they are remembered with dignity and respect. I wish all of my transgender friends and readers love and support on this day of mourning.

Heart Candles

Moving Forward After a Week of Tragedy and Loss

Anti-LGBTQ actions and rhetoric have been on the rise for several years now, but this week seems to have been particularly awful. How can we support ourselves, our children, and the LGBTQ community through these tough times?

In Memoriam: Nex Benedict

Nex Benedict and the Need for Change

Like many of us, I have been saddened and angered by the death of 16-year-old nonbinary transgender student Nex Benedict after an assault at school. Nex’s death is a tragedy—and Nex is not the only trans young person to have died too soon.

Candle memorial

In Memoriam: Transgender Day of Remembrance 2023

Today is the Transgender Day of Remembrance, when we honor the lives of those who died because of anti-transgender hatred or prejudice. I wish all of my transgender friends and readers love and support on this day of mourning.

Seeking hope

Seeking Hope

Like so many, I have been angered and appalled by the horrific acts of terrorism committed by Hamas on Israeli civilians. Now, I am trying to hold several difficult things in my heart as I try to find hope.

World Trade Center. Photo by Dana Rudolph

9/11: Of Remembrance and Hope

Only a chance change of job kept me from being at the World Trade Center site on September 11, 2001. Shortly afterward, my spouse and I began to talk seriously about having a child.

Pulse Memorial, Orlando

Of Hate and Hope: Explaining the Pulse Massacre to My Son

I first wrote this in 2016, shortly after the shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando that killed 49 mostly Latine, LGBTQ young people. Seven years later, I am reposting it as a reminder to remember, to teach, and to act.


In Memoriam: the Nashville Shooting Victims

Another school shooting. Children and adults dead. The epidemic of gun violence continues. Here again are some resources on talking with children about shootings, something no parent should need, but that too many of us sadly do.

Brianna Ghey

In Memoriam: Brianna Ghey

Brianna Ghey, a 16-year-old transgender girl in the U.K., was murdered last Saturday. Her death should remind us of the dire need to protect trans youth and all trans lives.

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