election 2008

Maine-taining Faith by the Jersey Shore

Maine is one of my favorite vacation spots. I’ve gone there ever since I was two and my parents took me camping along the coast. One of my earliest memories is of the moose that came wandering around our cabins one morning. I wrote about Maine before the election, and noted that once again, the […]

Barack Obama and Non-Traditional Families

I wrote this piece for 365gay.com just after the election last week, talking about what it might mean to have a president who grew up in a non-traditional family, especially in light of the anti-LGBT props that passed. I can’t crosspost yet, but you can go have a read.

Weekly Political Roundup

So nothing much happened in politics this week . . . . You know the key points: Obama won; Arizona, Arkansas, California, and Florida all passed anti-LGBT measures. Connecticut voters, however, shot down the idea of holding a constitutional convention that would likely have tried to enshrine a ban on same-sex marriage into the state

Election Party Pics

We’re not vlogging this week because of personal circumstances, but I thought I’d offer a few shots of some humorous items from the Election Night party that friends of ours held. Nice of the Senator to join us, don’t you think? And you know it’s a lesbian mom household because they’re using a Melissa &

Hope and Disappointment

Barack Obama has made history. I am thrilled beyond belief at this. He will be the first president my son remembers, and I can think of no better. And yet . . . . Marriage of same-sex couples is now not only illegal but unconstitutional in Arizona and Florida. Same-sex couples can no longer adopt

Election Prep

Here are a few helpful Web sites and promotions to prepare you for Election Day: Don’t know where to vote? Live in a district, like I once did, where the polling place changes from election to election? Enter your home address into Google’s 2008 U.S. Voter Info site and it will tell you where to

Twittering the Debate

I’ll be live-Twittering the presidential debate tonight at 9:00p.m. Eastern, and invite you all to play along, whether with snarkery, wonkery, or ongoing suggestions for debate drinking games. (I’m thinking I may need a couple of shots of Mylanta myself.) I’ll probably stick around for a while afterwards and comment on the commentary, if the

A Lesbian Mom Presidential Candidate?

Tired of the election already? Dissatisfied with rhetoric from both parties? Well, there’s a new candidate on the trail, and she appears to be a lesbian mom: Senator Julia Polonia Foley DeWiki (affectionately known as Mop), born February 29th 1964 is an independent candidate in the election for the US presidency which will be decided

Weekly Political Roundup

Inspirational quotes of the week: Mom was not an extraordinary person, but she was a person who accomplished extraordinary things, and this is an important thing because each of us is needed to continue her work. It would be a shame if you left here today thinking that Mom was somehow bigger and bolder than

The Sarah Palin Cocktail

For those of you watching the presidential debate tonight, I offer up a libation for your consideration—the Sarah Palin Cocktail: Lipstick on the rim, but nothing inside. Naw. I’m going for something stronger. I think I’ll need it. I might also invite some friends to bring over their favorite ingredients so we can create a

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