
LGBT Parenting Roundup

Our stories told: Author, parent, and transgender woman Jennifer Finney Boylan recently told her story of transitioning in the New York Times’s column, “Modern Love.” Thanks to Family Equality for pointing out the piece. The 2009 Pride and Joy Families Weekend Conference in upstate New York was a big success, according to the Utica Observer-Dispatch. […]

Cat and Jennifer Cora Welcome Third Son

In what seems like a propitious week, Iron Chef Cat Cora’s wife Jennifer gave birth to the couple’s third son last Saturday, After Ellen reports. Cat Cora is also pregnant, and due in July. After Ellen also notes that Chef Cora will be opening a restaurant in Disney World this fall. I’m kind of bummed

Florida, Adoption and Why Marriage isn’t Enough

In my latest article for 365gay.com, I discuss the Florida adoption ruling and the sometimes fuzzy connections between parental rights and marriage rights. If you’re following the Florida case, you might also be interested in the video that the ACLU made about the plaintiff family. After the jump:

New LGBT Adoption Awareness Campaign

All Children – All Families, a program of the Human Rights Campaign Foundation Family Project, yesterday launched a new awareness campaign aimed at increasing LGBT foster parenting and adoption. Nice timing, considering the ruling yesterday that struck down the ban on LGBT people adopting in Florida. HRC also informs us: “All Children — All Families,

Breaking News: Florida Adoption Ban Ruled Unconstitutional

Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Cindy Lederman today declared Florida’s 30-year-old ban on adoption by gay men and lesbians unconstitutional, saying, “It is clear that sexual orientation is not a predictor of a person’s ability to parent.” ‘Bout time they realized that. State lawyers have already said they will challenge the decision. At the moment, however, it

Our Families Are Equal

In lieu of our “She Got Me Pregnant” vlog, which I will post tomorrow, here’s a video compiled by the Family Equality Council from images sent in by LGBT parents around the country, “declaring their families equal.” It’s become the eighth most-viewed video on YouTube this week in the Nonprofits & Activism category.

LGBT Parenting Roundup

[Our “She Got Me Pregnant” vlog will be posted tomorrow. Stay tuned. Back to Thursdays next week.] A few items of note from hither and yon: Thomas Beatie, the transgender man whose pregnancy made headlines, is expecting a second child, ABC News reveals. Beatie will be talking with Barbara Walters on 20/20 tomorrow night at

Hope and Disappointment

Barack Obama has made history. I am thrilled beyond belief at this. He will be the first president my son remembers, and I can think of no better. And yet . . . . Marriage of same-sex couples is now not only illegal but unconstitutional in Arizona and Florida. Same-sex couples can no longer adopt

Bloggers Against Props 8, 2, and 102

As Election Day nears, bloggers are ramping up their efforts to raise money and awareness for the three state ballot measures that would make it unconstitutional for same-sex couples to marry. California’s measure, Proposition 8, is arguably the most important, since it would take away a right already held by citizens of the state, but

Weekly Political Roundup

The Connecticut Supreme Court today ruled that “same sex couples cannot be denied the freedom to marry.” GLAD has links to some of the news coverage of this historic event. Also check out this video of the lead plaintiffs, Beth Kerrigan and Jody Mock, reacting to the news. Have tissues handy. The Council of Europe

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