
Ashley T. Brundage, courtesy of her

A Transgender Leader and Mom’s Empowering Journey

Ashley T. Brundage is a leadership and empowerment expert and an “open, out, proud woman of transgender experience.” She’s also a mom, and spoke with me recently about empowerment, parenting, and more.

Let's Get This Straight

This Book Is a “Flashlight” for Youth with LGBTQ Parents

(I first reviewed Let’s Get This Straight: The Ultimate Handbook for Youth with LGBTQ Parents several years ago for my newspaper column, but since “Throwback Thursday” is a thing around the Internet, I thought I’d post this again. It’s a great read for tweens, teens, and their parents.)

Would You Let Your Teen Have Sex in Your House?

“For American parents,” says the publisher’s blurb for Amy Schalet’s new book, Not Under My Roof: Parents, Teens, and the Culture of Sex, “teenage sex is something to be feared and forbidden: most would never consider allowing their children to have sex at home, and sex is a frequent source of family conflict.” Contrast this to

Scholarships for LGBTQ and Allied Students

Here’s a great resource for those of you with kids nearing college age. HRC has created a database of scholarships for LGBT and allied students. (Even though many straight children of LGBT parents consider themselves straight members of the LGBT community rather than “allies” per se, I assume they are eligible for many of these

Kids’ Poems, LGBT and Not

April is National Poetry Month, for no reason I can discern except that this glorious weather seems a perfect inspiration for writing poems. The Academy of American Poets site has everything you’d ever want to know about the celebration, but I’m going to share a couple of additional resources because we’re almost all parents and/or

Wanted: Teens with LGBT Parents

Posting another academic study request, this time for research on teens with LGB parents. This one has a personal tone for me, not because I have teens (my son is six), but because I’ve interviewed the lead researcher, Abbie Goldberg, about her latest book on LGBT parents and on some earlier research about lesbian and

Teen Sexuality: Hard Truths and Warm Love

I’m very pleased today to bring you a guest post by Lori Hahn, who has blogged at Hahn at Home for several years, and is now also a co-editor of the new GLBT blog Our Big Gayborhood. Lori writes below of teen sexuality—an area in which I have no expertise as a parent. I’m grateful

Star On the BBC

Passing along this request. I don’t know anything more about the show, so if you’re interested, please contact the producer as below. The BBC is looking for same-sex parents in the U.S. to host two British teens for a week, and to be filmed for a new season of an ongoing show about parenting. The

Children of Lesbian Families Happy and Healthy, Despite Homophobia

The 17-year-olds participating in the National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study (NLLFS) “demonstrate significantly higher social competence” and “significantly lower total problem behavior [than the standard population]. This is a very high indication of mental health,” asserts Dr. Nanette Gartrell, principal investigator of the NLLFS and Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the University of California-San

When Heather Grows Up

(Originally published in Bay Windows, June 26, 2008, with minor variation.) Two new works and one re-release share the real and fictionalized stories of teens with LGBT parents, shining a light on this often-overlooked part of our community. Tru Loved, now making the rounds at LGBT film festivals, features an all-star cast including Jasmine Guy,

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