trevor project

Hands holding rainbow heart

New Report Gives State-by-State Look at LGBTQ+ Youth Experiences

A new report from The Trevor Project uses the self-described experiences of more than 18,000 LGBTQ+ young people ages 13 to 24 across the U.S. to offer a state-by-state look at the impact of anti-LGBTQ+ victimization and policies, including mental health challenges and suicide risk, and at access to care and methods of support.

Bullying: What We Can Do

(Originally published as my Mombian newspaper column, October 13, 2010.) Children in the LGBTQ community are dying. As LGBTQ parents, we need to be on the front lines working to help them. We’ve all heard by now of the string of suicides by youth bullied because they were LGBTQ or perceived to be. Children of

Broadway Stars Sing “It Gets Better”

Listen. Share. Wonder what we need to do to get this on Glee. Available October 19th on iTunes, with all download proceeds benefiting The Trevor Project, the leading national organization focused on crisis and suicide prevention efforts among LGBTQ youth.

LGBT Parenting Update

Personal Stories Nina at Queercents discusses the various factors she and her spouse are weighing as they consider whether to have a second child. Schools and Education A federal judge ruled that the Gay-Straight Alliance at Florida’s Yulee High School can meet on campus, with the same privileges as other student groups, and does not

LGBT Parenting Roundup

Our stories told: Author, parent, and transgender woman Jennifer Finney Boylan recently told her story of transitioning in the New York Times’s column, “Modern Love.” Thanks to Family Equality for pointing out the piece. The 2009 Pride and Joy Families Weekend Conference in upstate New York was a big success, according to the Utica Observer-Dispatch.

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