July 2006

School-Lunch Monitoring

Should parents be able to prevent their children from buying certain items in the school cafeteria? Newsweek reports on a new cafeteria checkout system that monitors what each child eats so that parents can view the information online. This could provide the opportunity for discussion about healthy eating choices, although it does seem a bit

Allied Against the Mommy Wars and for LGBT Rights

Like most observers of a war that doesn’t directly involve them, I thought I was safe. The “Mommy Wars” pitting employed mothers against stay-at-homes, accusing the latter of betraying feminism, didn’t seem to apply to me. While I was indeed a stay-at-home mom, I thought that by doing so as a lesbian I was transforming

Weekly Political Roundup

This week’s headliner was the unfortunate Washington marriage ruling, about which I wrote earlier. It’s on to the legislature for our friends in the West. In other news: In politically relevant religious news, the Episcopalian Bishop of Arkansas has endorsed “blessing ceremonies” for same-sex couples. He notes that no formal rites exist for such ceremonies,

Writer Seeks Stories on Outings With Kids

From ParentHacks comes a note about writer Barbara Aria, who is seeking stories about how to take young children on “grown-up” outings—to museums, restaurants, shopping, etc. She’s using them in an article for an unspecified women’s magazine. I think it’s important for us lesbian moms to have our voices heard on general parenting issues, as

HRC Redesigns Site, Adds Resources

The Human Rights Campaign launched a redesigned Web site this week, going for a cleaner, bolder look, with news items front and center. It’s more, well, blog-like. Truth be told, I kind of miss the organization by issue—work, family, community, coming out—that they used to have. These topics are still there, in a “Hot Issues”

Ways to Avoid Domestic Boredom

There’s been some buzz around the blogosphere today about moms who are either bored by their children, or (less controversially) by the domestic tasks accompanying motherhood. Both Blogging Baby and MotherTalkers already have good comment threads going on the subject (and opinions are strong), so I thought I’d take a different approach, and share some

Overdoing It

Word to the wise: Never work out the day of a marriage-equality defeat. Doubly so if you watched Workout the night before. Creaking to the bathroom to pop some Ibuprofen. . . . Will post again later, if my arms still work.

Monopoly Offers Visa Debit Card Instead of Cash

A fun, somewhat nostalgic post to take our minds off the dismal Washington marriage ruling. If you’re in the U. K., you can now buy a version of Monopoly with a Visa debit card reader instead of cash. (Thanks to Boing Boing for the tip.) The electronic version is priced around twice as much as

Washington Supreme Court Upholds Same-Sex Marriage Ban

Well, they’ve done it again. Just like the New York Court of Appeals, the Washington state Supreme Court upheld the state’s same-sex marriage ban, citing “the State’s legitimate interests in procreation and the well-being of children.” News flash: We’re here, we’re queer, and many of us are procreating. In some cases, we’re raising children other

Washington to Announce Same-Sex Marriage Ruling Tomorrow

Tomorrow, the Washington state Supreme Court will announce its decision in Andersen v. King County, a consolidated case regarding Washington’s Defense of Marriage Act. (Thanks to Pam’s House Blend for the heads up.) Equal Rights Washington has information on events and gatherings around the state, which they will keep updated. As lesbian moms, we’re used

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