April 2007

Mary Cheney Is Having a Boy

Mary Cheney will be having a boy when she gives birth next month, said her father, Vice President Dick Cheney. He also said he’s “delighted” to be a grandparent for the sixth time, but reiterated that he thought same-sex relationship recognition should remain a state matter. “I obviously think it’s important for us as a […]

Riding to Boston

It’s just my luck that we had a sleet storm here in the Hudson Valley yesterday, when the movers packed all our stuff onto a truck. Yes, the move to the Boston area that I mentioned back in October has finally arrived, despite the vagaries of the housing market and New York real-estate laws, which

Mombian Resource Directory Has 500th Link

I’m pleased to announce that the Mombian Resource Directory for LGBT Parents now has over 500 links on starting a family, raising children (both LGBT-specific sites and general, but LGBT-friendly, sites), LGBT politics and law, online and offline groups, blogs, and forums for LGBT parents, and much more. It covers the entire LGBT spectrum, not

Bacon and Eggs: Update from the Family Pride Coalition

Over the last week or so, I asked you to help the Family Pride Coalition meet a charity challenge from actor Kevin Bacon. I’m pleased to report they met the challenge, and will receive $10,000 from Bacon’s Sixdegrees organization. They also exceeded their goal of 1,138 donations, racking up $30,000 on top of Bacon’s $10,000.

“Considering Parenting?” Workshop in San Francisco

Passing along information about a workshop in San Francisco for prospective parents. I don’t know the facilitator personally, but her topic seems relevant: Considering Parenthood? This may be the biggest decision of your life. Considering Parenthood is designed to help individuals, couples and co-parents to make the decision about whether they really want to parent

Children of LGBT Parents Speak Up

As a lesbian mom, I’m always interested in stories by adult children of LGBT parents. Writers such as Abigail Garner have reminded us how important it is for “queerspawn” to have a voice of their own, not filtered through our naturally biased lens of parenthood, however well intentioned. I was delighted, therefore, to see that

Health Roundup

A few items from round and about: Überblog BoingBoing reports that the “non-dairy” smoothie additive used by popular chain Jamba Juice in fact contains non-fat dried milk. Something to keep in mind if you have food restrictions in your family. Scientists at the University of Toronto are are using a combination of ultrasound and blood

Are Lesbians Draft Dodgers in the Mommy Wars?

Is leaving a paying job to stay home with your kids “the worst mistake [you] ever made”? That’s what author Leslie Bennetts says older women have been telling her. She’s thus written The Feminine Mistake: Are We Giving Up Too Much? in order to “warn a new generation about the hidden costs of financial dependency,”

April Fool’s Debriefing

No, Mary Cheney is not going to appear on the next season of The L Word. You should, however, be aware of the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide, as Blogging Baby reports. In fact, a new study shows that everything is harmful to children—except, perhaps, Vanilla Chai Spice Similac. Babble’s Strollerderby has more.

Mary Cheney to Appear on Season Five of The L Word

Mary Cheney, daughter of Vice President Dick Cheney, will make a guest appearance on Season Five of The L Word, Showtime has announced. The out lesbian and soon-to-be mom will play the women’s basketball coach at California University, the institution where Jennifer Beals’ Bette Porter works. “We feel Mary has a look that’s just right

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