Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!

Oh, the Places You'll Go!Happy birthday to Theodor Seuss Geisel, aka Dr. Seuss, who was born on this date in 1904. As those of you with children in elementary school likely know, today is also Read Across America Day, an an annual reading motivation and awareness program run by the National Education Association (NEA).

I feel obliged to point out, however, that while the NEA has a fascinating and packed Diversity Calendar, worth a read, there is one major heritage month missing from it. In June. Can you guess? Harumph.

Still, the good doctor himself remains a favorite of mine even now. In honor of the event, I invite you to leave a comment with any or all of the below:

  • The name of your favorite Seuss book.
  • A rewritten Seuss title, giving it an LGBT theme. (Of course, One Dad, Two Dads, Brown Dad, Blue Dads has already been done for real.) My entry, in honor of the high-protein, low-carb diet I had to be on while taking one particular fertility drug: “In Vitro Fertilized Eggs and Ham.”
  • A Seuss-style stanza about your family.

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5 thoughts on “Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!”

  1. Pingback: Tuesday watercooler: Naked, nude and risque | News Story on 365gay.com

  2. The sun did not shine
    it was too wet to play
    so I said to my partner
    It’s awesome we’re gay!

    I sat there with Sally
    we sat there we two
    and we said “Since we’re gay
    there’s so much we can do!”

    But there’s one thing we can’t
    and we’ve just got to say
    “Please give us us rights:
    a white wedding day!”

  3. Love it!

    (Though when I hit the first line of your last verse, I thought you were going in a turkey-basterish direction.)

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