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GLSEN National School Climate Survey 2019

For LGBTQ Students, Hostilities Remain, Despite Increases in Support

GLSEN’s latest biennial National School Climate Survey, released yesterday, looks at the challenges that LGBTQ students face in school, the effects of a hostile climate, and the supports that can offset those effects—while also looking back at trends over two decades.

Hope in a Box - Pride and Less Prejudice - The Make It Safe Project

3 Initiatives Offering Teachers Free, LGBTQ-Inclusive Books

I wrote yesterday about the many attempts to ban LGBTQ-inclusive children’s books from schools and libraries—so here’s a story to counter that, about three different initiatives that are now offering free (yes, free!) LGBTQ-inclusive books and resources to educators and schools throughout the U.S.

Queer All About It: My Queer Family

Watch: Short Film About Gay Dad and His Daughter’s First Weeks of School

In a moving new short film, a gay dad prepares lunches for his daughter during her first weeks of school and reflects on starting his family, his own difficult school days, and his hopes for the future. Along with the film is a short documentary that looks more broadly at what family means to LGBTQ people.

LGBTQ Back-to-School Resources 2020

LGBTQ Back-to-School Resources: 2020 Edition

It’s a school year like no other, so here’s my updated annual collection of back-to-school resources for LGBTQ parents, parents of LGBTQ children, and educators! I hope it remains useful, regardless of the age of your children and whether they are learning in-person, virtually, or both.

Phil Bildner

School Cancels Virtual Author Visit Because of Book’s Gay Character: But What Response Best Helps LGBTQ Youth During Pandemic?

Award-winning author Phil Bildner was set to do a virtual visit with a group of fourth graders this month, when the school’s parents’ association suddenly informed him that he couldn’t talk about his latest book—a middle-grade novel about a boy coming out as gay. They then canceled his event. Bildner’s response, in which he chooses not to publicly name the school, reminds us that there are many factors to consider in keeping LGBTQ youth safe—especially in a time of pandemic.

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