
Breakfast Pizza

The other day, when I asked my three-year-old what he wanted for breakfast, he replied, “Pizza.” Now, I’ve been a fan of cold leftover morning ‘za since my college days, but not having any in the house, and wanting to instill good breakfast habits in the next generation, I came up with this quick, healthier […]

Pita Bread

Pita bread is one of those things, like ketchup, that many of us never think about making at home. Try it once, though, and you’ll be loath to go back to store-bought. The texture and flavor are worlds apart. It’s also one of the simplest bread recipes to make, with very short second rise and

Oatmeal Maple Bread

Here’s an easy bread recipe with a slightly sweet taste and lots of hearty whole grains. It’s slightly modified from the superb King Arthur Flour Baker’s Companion, which my partner got me (for purely altruistic reasons, she tells me) as a birthday present. I love this book not only for the recipes, but also for

Taking a Stand on Potty Training

Today, I’m happy to provide a field report for all you new lesbian moms out there. I now have proof positive that it is not necessary to have a father in the home to teach one’s son to pee standing up. Despite the assertion of the New York Court of Appeals that “a child benefits

Irrational Exshoeberance

We bought our son a new pair of sneakers over the weekend. He’s moved up a size, and this means we no longer shop on the baby/toddler wall of our local Stride-Rite. We’ve moved up to the big-boy wall. I’m inordinately proud. Silly, isn’t it? He’s done nothing more than grow. I’m going to be

Cloud heart

It’s the Love

Once in a while I see something that renews my faith in our future.

Happy Anniversary

My partner and I recently celebrated our thirteenth year together. Did we honor the occasion with a wild display of lesbian hedonism, an example of our depraved homosexual lifestyle? ‘Fraid not. We spent it at IKEA, picking up some bookshelves for my parents. That evening, we assembled it and stayed at their house with our

Child's hands building with blocks

Picking and Dumping: Acknowledging Parent-Child Differences

One of the more interesting aspects of being a parent, for me, is discovering when my son takes an approach to something I never would have imagined, especially when it’s the exact opposite of what I would have done.


10 Indoor Winter Activities for Toddlers

It’s about this time of year when I start hoping for spring. The excitement of the holidays (and new toys) has worn off, we haven’t gotten any really good snow in a few weeks, and we’re all getting a bit of cabin fever. I decided, therefore, to see if I could put together a list

IKEA Assembly Tips

One of the advantages of hosting Thanksgiving this year was that my parents stayed for a few days to help babysit. My partner and I were able to run some errands, including a trip to IKEA, our favorite home-furnishing store. IKEA is fun with kids, too—in fact, it’s one of the most kid-friendly stores that’s

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