
Our Normal Life Atlanta

Lesbian Family Travel Tales

Summer is often a time for travel, and three lesbian mom vloggers are sharing their travel tales with us.

Take a look!

Pemaquid Point Lighthouse

A Fully Legal Family Vacation

It seemed fitting that the day after marriage equality became law across the United States, my family and I went on vacation to Maine and Canada.

Camp Speers-Eljabar

You’re Invited: LGBT Family Camp Out This October

Like to camp? The Upper Delaware GLBT Center and Camp Speers-Eljabar YMCA are hosting an LGBT Family Camp Out in the Pocono Mountains this October 3-5, and it looks like a lot of fun.

Gay Cruising of a Different Kind

(Something a little lighthearted at an otherwise somber time for me. Originally published several weeks ago as my Mombian newspaper column.) I’d only ever done gay cruising before. No, not that kind of cruising—I mean the floating around on a big ship kind. My in-laws recently took my spouse, our son, and me, plus my

And We’re Back

I’m back from a week of vacation, floating around the Mexican Riviera with my spouse, son, and in-laws. As soon as I’ve recovered from a red-eye flight and jet lag, I’ll fire up the posts here again. In the meantime, here’s a slightly related story from the Associated Press about Mexico City’s 1000th same-sex wedding.

Summer Vacation

I’m taking a few days to recover and recharge after BlogHer, and to try and assimilate everything that happened there, especially during the great panel session I participated on with Ana Flores of Spanglish Baby, Tracey Friley of One Brown Girl, and moderator Deb Rox of 3 Smart Girlz and Deb on the Rocks. Posting will therefore be a

Be Right Back

A quick note to say I’m going to be offline more than usual over the next few days in preparation for my son starting first grade (!!!) next week. I have a bunch of posts scheduled, though, including the vlog tomorrow, in which Helen and I discuss the classic theme of sperm banks and turkey

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